

Heartstrings and Hellish Things

My debut poetry pamphlet was published in April 2024 as part of a 21-day writing challenge. It features 21 dark poems for those who feel unseen and is available to purchase as a paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble and as an e-book from BookLeaf Publishing.

Literary Magazines

Family Outing: COOP

Published in Zine 9 of COOP. A poem about chickens - if you're a vegetarian, this may not be for you.

I can still hear the peck, peck, peck of chickens in my brain as if they were scratching their way into my thoughts.

Excerpt by Lauren Green

Decaying in Our Digital Graves: The Groke

Published in The Groke: Issue 1 The Art of Rot & Decay. Relatable poem for those with a social media/phone addiction who feel disconnected from reality.

The parasites in my mind
Grew when my body gained
An extra limb, a metal addition
To my lonely hand.

Excerpt by Lauren Green

Some Days: The Broken Teacup

Published in The Broken Teacup Issue One. A poem about emotions and how quickly they change.

Some days I feel too deeply. Disappointment becomes disgust, happiness becomes euphoria, each emotion balances on either end of a see-saw,

Excerpt by Lauren Green

The Unloved Plant: Rosalind Science Press

Published in Rosalind Science Press Issue One. A fiction prose piece about a houseplant and how it compares to humans that have neglected themselves.

I wear lines that etch deep, like roots in the soil, a testament to
depression's grip.

Excerpt by Lauren Green

Vengeance in the Shadows: Poetic Reveries

Published in Poetic Reveries Issue 9: In the Depths of Winter.  A short fiction story featuring a mysterious being seeking vengeance on his mother's killer under the cold winter moon in an eerie, abandoned town.

The shine from the moon caught the viscous blood pooling on the floor of the alley, covering the lifeless bodies. In a nearby tree, an owl hooted and echoed through the street, causing a colony of bats to fly out from a nearby window. This moment had been a long time coming, and though his heart was still full of hurt, he felt at peace again.

Excerpt by Lauren Green


‘Wasted Hours and Tired Eyes’: How to Start a Digital Detox and Detach from Your Phone

Published in Heroica. An article about how to break the addiction to your phone and reignite your passion for the offline world.

The ‘unmumsy’ style guide - how to rediscover your style!

Published on Emma's Diary Blog. An article about losing my identity and style since becoming a mum and then rediscovering it.

Finally falling pregnant against all odds…

Published on Emma's Diary blog. An article where I share my journey to becoming a mother and finally falling pregnant against all odds.